FYI- I don't have osmosis

I really don't have it.


  1. The tendency of molecules of a solvent to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrat...
  2. The process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.

Never ever did.

People think I do because I appear to be resonably intuitive.....and the boy believes that I am omnipresent too.


  1. (of God) Present everywhere at the same time.
  2. Widely or constantly encountered; common or widespread: "the omnipresent threat of natural disasters".
I think after this weeks test where I was helping him with a study guide and we were using definitions and NOT examples from the class lecture/game the boy finally got it that not ALL adults make up the same examples.
I don't understand a lot of things that he is going thru.
I did ask a friend of his, a gen, what happens at the HS level. Are all aspies like the boy or are they different. She didn't know but I was told that the boy was the only one she knew of that was allowed outside of the prescribed classes.
Do I know if this is true or not? no.
But my experience with the cuter half this year as left me wondering how many teachers at a gen level actually have never had an Aspie in their class room. 
My mind is now officially blown.
Most people would indicate that it doesn't take much to blow my mind....I have limited resources here at home. The cuter half and I can't remember the last time we went out and didn't disucss something that had to do with the boy, his past or his present.
We really don't know what he is capable of. I am hoping he is capable of a lot. But I just don't know and it is scaring the boogies out of me. What are these kids capable of?
Wikipedia says this:

Asperger syndrome
Classification and external resources
Seated boy facing 3/4 away from camera, looking at a ball-and-stick model of a molecular structure. The model is made of colored magnets and steel balls.
People with Asperger syndrome often display intense interests, such as this boy's fascination with molecular structure.
Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's syndrome or Asperger disorder, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical use of language are frequently reported.[1][2]
The syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who, in 1944, studied and described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, demonstrated limited empathy with their peers, and were physically clumsy.[3] The modern conception of Asperger syndrome came into existence in 1981[4] and went through a period of popularization,[5][6] becoming standardized as a diagnosis in the early 1990s. Many questions remain about aspects of the disorder.[7] For example, there is doubt about whether it is distinct from high-functioning autism (HFA);[8] partly because of this, its prevalence is not firmly established.[1] It has been proposed that the diagnosis of Asperger's be eliminated, to be replaced by a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder on a severity scale.[9]
The exact cause is unknown. Although research suggests the likelihood of a genetic basis,[1] there is no known genetic etiology[10][11] and brain imaging techniques have not identified a clear common pathology.[1] There is no single treatment, and the effectiveness of particular interventions is supported by only limited data.[1] Intervention is aimed at improving symptoms and function. The mainstay of management is behavioral therapy, focusing on specific deficits to address poor communication skills, obsessive or repetitive routines, and physical clumsiness.[12] Most children improve as they mature to adulthood, but social and communication difficulties may persist.[7] Some researchers and people with Asperger's have advocated a shift in attitudes toward the view that it is a difference, rather than a disability that must be treated or cured.[13][14]

This is kind of a generic answer. It still doesn't say much about what the boy can do. Logistically the boy will never be a rocket scientist. It just is not part of his ability....and we have to be practical. We want the boy to be able to work and move out on his own.

Kind of like is there a heaven? (Think Amy Grant song, "Ask me if I know there is a God up in the Heavens") Alright, I couldn't find it but I did find this- Hope set High....just as good or better. Our hopes are high for the boy.....and although I am scared I am hoping we have good reason to be setting them as high or higher than what we are expecting he should do.

Heaven is one of those things that we believe in but do we know it to be true. I think I know it to be true....For me, it was roses blooming in the winter after my Dad passed away convinced me. But that is merely a personal observation about heaven and what happens there.

Not really KNOWING what the boy can do is really bothering me.
After tonights discussion with his friend....I am a little more than concerned about what he will be able to do on his own.... 

Now for a retro dear friend - (-)- should know this song well. We danced to it in the pouring rain at an Amy Grant concert in........ 1984. OMG.













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