Getting stuck in a rut.

Being stuck in the proverbial rut doesn't mean you are deathly dull boring.

It means you may need a new way of looking at things.
We are stuck in a rut. OR are we being consistent with ourselves....OHHHHH deep question and interesting concept.

The cuter half relaxes by watching TV. I can do that but I would rather be sitting with him on the couch than zoned out in a chair. BORING...and ergo we are in a rut.....

So what happens is he watches TV, the boy goes to bed and I zone out playing on FB or blogging with no particular direction but that I know I am bored, tired and just don't feel like doing much else.

Little Garfy sits on the printer wanting to be petted, and he decides when I have written enough. He will climb down to sit on my lap and then tell me that I need to stop and pay attention to him. Poor kitty, he is in a rut too.

Popular belief is that ruts can be will fully removed by doing new things, working on goals or just trying to get things done.

SURE it can.

For a short while that works appropriately. Then we get busy, tired or, just wanting to do it later....and later becomes a week, month or year later.....and you are back in the original rut.

This year I am starting out slow we are gonna put pictures in all the Christmas ornaments that require family pictures...currently these lovely tree hangings have marvelous pictures of other people. I started out strong. I changed the pictures on two of the boy's tree for the one's on out tree.

Good God it is only the first day of the year and I am getting myself out of a rut! What NEXT??


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