"We can't give up hope, because it is all we have got"

the cuter half told me that we have worked so hard so the boy can get a job at mcdonalds.

My God this is what we have come to?

A job at mcdonalds.

We have worked with the boy this long, this hard and we get a job at mcdonalds. I WON"T EAT THE FOOD THERE.....but this is the goal that we have.


I know, I am in one of my funky moods. We have had a lot going on with just me physically and then we throw in a 3 year re-eval (torture in a smaller way), several things we HAVE to do.... a possible weekend thing for the cuter one and i and now we are having a job goal of Mcdonalds.

Talk about the proverbial kick in the damn teeth.

I feel like I have wasted time, energy and effort. It all seems so futile.

I am tired, frustrated and annoyed.
THe boy fights us at every turn; over the stupidist stuff....hygiene, classes late homework. Boys are such drama kings....Give me a break.
I thought girls were the dramatic ones....Not at this house...the boy is little Mr. Drama......"I don't do that well so I don't bother." He pulled that on his LA teacher today....fortunately the teacher didn't fall for it.

Neither do we.....

McDonalds? I don't think so.....


  1. you go Mom! There is no reason to "settle" for a McJob when he is capable of so much more. From all of your descriptions, it sounds like he could be a candidate for some sort of culinary degree if he can find a lower-stress environment in which to use it! And if he chooses a service-type job, I would definitely recommend something like grocery where the benefits are better (many departments are unionized). Having worked plenty of food-service jobs in my day, I would highly recommend against the fast food industry.


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