we bought a new toy.

There are a number of people who we know that are great.

However, we are well aware that they think that we are a bit odd because we eat fresh veggies, cook at home and don't eat out. Frozen junk food doesn't even cross our doorstep (what is in it pink slime-EWWWW).
Martha Stewart once said that she didn't eat out and had never been to McDonalds. Why should we? We can make out own breakfast sandwiches here at home.....no chemicals....and no grease. You can taste the cheese, and meat and it is better and more filling than going to a fast food joint.

We have lowered our cholesterol, lost weight and eat better.....and we have a "make your own butter" feature on our bread machine......who needs a restaurant when you can do it all here and KNOW what is in your food and how it was made.

After the pink slime debacle in meat both the cuter one  and I are a little apprehensive about eating out. There are very few places we would want to go to (Palermos is one we like) but the others....well the verdict is out on that.

Being picky some say; well we are picky I suppose.

You know what? we are better off than some of the others that we know and we aren't eating constant greasy food all the time. The boy loves to eat junk....and hates being sick afterwards. He will end up in the bathroom for several hours after eating junk food.....it messes with his stomach that much.

There is something to be said for the gastrointestinal issues Aspies have. The boy has plenty and it is up to us to teach him the appropriate food choices. I hope he makes the right ones today....he is going on a field trip with a class and it seems to me that he is going to end up sicker than a dog if he eats the bad food that will likely be provided.

The bummer is that there are issues with eating the grease....he is still grasping the concept. My old rule is "When in doubt get a salad." There isn't much anyplace can do with a salad.....or do TO a salad.

I need to eat more salad.


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