
Shopping with the boy is one of my least favorite activities.
I will avoid it at all costs if possible. I do a lot of online shopping; full well realizing this is not teaching appropriate modeling for the boy in future endeavors. In fact, I am MORE likely to be teaching him to utilize online resourses than go out to the mall at midnight on the Friday after a holiday.

However, the ultimate question arises after the shopping is over. Do we force a viewing of "This is It" do we watch "IronMan" OR the biggest question do we go get a new Wii game and I force the boys to a dance contest because Wii fit is the MOST boring workout known to man? It was cute for a while but I prefer dancing and we have to get in shape....SO we do the workout and have fun or watch a totally talented person put us all to shame.....

Funnily enough I used to love dancing, shopping and all that. I don't know what changed. Obviously, I changed.....I was tired of being poor and the shopping made me broke. Going to a mall had NO appeal to me once online shopping became more prevalant. Dancing, well I quit that long before the boy was born....long story behind that but lets just say that the boogie was lost for me.

This is the first year that "Black Friday" has come upon us that the cuter half and I either aren't working, aren't shopping and don't have to buy anything for anyone. Bigger yet, THANK YOU GOD both of us are out of retail. Don't miss that mess at all really, although shopping is a necessity and not a hobby. Actually, there is one thing I would like to buy but I haven't seen a copy of it....the Micheal Jackson dance game looks like fun...and it HAS to be better than Wii fit and balancing on a board or something.....the faux jog is OK and I need to do it but my motivation is strongly lacking....

I used to love dancing to the radio, most of the time just listening to Supertramp, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Idol, MJ, or whoever caught my ear that day....I miss that.

Dancing back then relieved stress for me....and I forgot to worry about stuff....that any more I fuss. Too much. Mostly over the boy....all the time..... anywhere......anymore decent radio isn't just listening to WLS and hoping for your favorite song.....its streamlined into pick your era and that is what you listen to. Kind of fun but missing out on some of the new stuff....

So on that note, with the super fussy Mom doing her super fussy is time for some of the Boss and maybe, just maybe for a little while we can all remember what it was like to just enjoy another drink, and not have time to think....or go dancing in the dark......


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