Dealing with people who hide
I am bored.
Seriously, I am really bored with people who hide, don't tell the truth and are just overall annoying.
There is an old saying that there are simpletons and fools. The definitions are not that different but certainly not the same:
The difference between simpleton and fool is:
A simpleton is (pejorative) a simple person lacking common sense
A fool is (pejorative) a person with poor judgment or little intelligence.
So dealing with one person who is both is just beyond what most people should be required to tolerate.
I think the biggest issue is that I grew up with someone who regularly lied to me and made up stories or told me one thing but then never followed through and left me stuck, usually, with an excessively large bill and yet another explanation to my husband.
I can sniff those assholes out like a bloodhound. My gut is rarely ever wrong.
Being on the receiving end of consistently differing stories makes one suspicious, wary and tired. It means you are constantly on your guard and it wears one to a frazzle.
Getting said persons out of one's life allows for freedom of another kind. There is no more walking on eggshells, or worrying about saying it wrong or anything like that. "Freedom to be me"...or with the cute one "Freedom to be us".
Being Free - it makes one happy and there are plenty of songs about it....yes I will use music again to express what I am thinking. I may not sing well but I do know the words. and Freedom is another word for nothin left to loose- Janis Joplin, "Me and Bobby McGee" the song itself is not all that I am thinking of but the chorus is something that I am feeling regularly right now.
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