2021 -Happy New Year super late
Hey I finally got around to trying to get on here. You have NO idea how hard it has been to get motivated to write - anything.
I am pretty much forcing myself to get my act in gear and do stuff that I should want to do regularly.
I know the blog is about Autism and Aspergers and all that - I kind of feel like I have beat the dead horse on that topic. If I think of anything I will write about it again but I suppose I am suffering from a 'topical writers block"
I have been thinking a lot and normally I tell people that can be dangerous because I usually try to keep my thoughts to myself or I tell the cuter half. Especially since one of my sisters informed me that no one is interested in anything I think or have to say and I really shouldn't keep writing my blog because it is not good for the family.
So anyway, I have been very busy. We had a number of changes this year as the end of 2020 sucked;
to go back to 2020 well it was a shit-show-dumpster-fire of a year. We lost my favorite mil ever in May then the Princess in August and well things just went downhill from there - we lost the cabin and our Troubles kitty. Thus, we have been trying to rebuild ourselves, the boy and what we will be doing during subsequent summer vacations.It is all a HUGE adjustment and we are just at a loss.
Not even comfortably numb - shell-shocked might be a better description.
We did go to Dubuque...just to see if we liked it and we loved it. We stomped in the Mississippi we went to the local museums we walked along the river and we ate at some of the best restaurants in IA and celebrated cuter half's birthday. Old towne for shopping and an adorable art museum..... really a fun place to go for a nice weekend away.
We did that after we went through all of Troubles things and donated most of them to the Buddy Foundation. His oversized carrier, kitty beds, dishes - most of it Bert and Kitten wouldn't even go near. So off it went and hopefully it helps another dog or cat needing some comfort.
Then we decided to celebrate Halloween. We set up Platform 9 3/4 and dressed up in our best Hogwarts robes and had a blast. After that we did an unheard of thing and set up the entire Snow Village for Christmas. Usually I don't want to see christmas out before Thanksgiving but because we were all bummed out I thought it would be good for us....and it was the best. We did our advent celebrations and we had a few friends over on Christmas day. We have been very fortunate that we have our friends and we are so happy that we are able to see them as much as we can during this pandemic
(holy shit - it is almost done - seriously Biden has fixed it all and if you believe that you better buy my swampland in Calcutta - it is a real bargain)
Celebrating 2021 meant I went to bed at 11 our time.... it was 2021 in NYC and I had to be at work the next day.
Now for starting 2021.
Well, we are trying to "declutter". this is hard for us as we don't like paring down and we don't want to go through stuff - but it is not like we have a choice. Our house is incapable of holding all of our stuff and we have packed the attic and garage.....it really is kind of scary. The cuter one has been watching Hoarders and he gets on this kick of lets get rid of it all or sell it on garage sale.
Yes, we were good and sent stuff to the siblings. It wasn't my plan but the cuter half had essentially had enough of the constant - well anyway he packed it all up and shipped it all out before we left on vacation.
The stuff now is stuff we bought and were using to cater dinners and decorate princess' room to try and keep it relevant and in season. I know a lot of people thought that was kind of dumb but it is cruel to not try to keep a person with dementia as close to reality as they can handle.
I miss the Princess every day. It is hard to have been helping for almost 20 years and now not. A huge adjustment for the cute one and I - not that we matter- we are just house elves - Although Dobby has socks now and is free of the Malfoys.
I know how Dobby feels.
Nonetheless, we are re-focusing on what works for the cuter half, the boy and myself.
I don't know what will be best and what will happen this year. I know I am working and the cute one is working and the boy has a job and we are just doing what we are doing and I am being totally bad and political on my FB and disgusting many people -(shrug) but so what else is new.
I decided to start "teaching" a little American History on my FB wall. From what I had been reading I thought it was high time we got back to the basics and learned about the men and women behind the American Revolution. It is pretty obvious that nothing is being taught at school any longer and most people are dumber than fuck.
Not being able to fix the educational liberal nightmare but at least reminding some people that Samuel Adams did more than brew malt for beer is a start.
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