what I feel like doing today....

nuthin'. that works for me.

No not really, it just sounds good. Actually, I think that being sick gives me a little different direction. Yup that's right second time this season and this time its a "bacterial infection". I am on the good antibiotics again and I am sounding like a relative of Kermit the frog but have smoked the seaweed for years or something. (non-smoker here) I kind of figure it is bad when there is a person I know pretty well and they didn't recognize my voice.....that's bad.

When I feel lousy all I want to do is listen to music and veg out. I know.... its really awful. I mean I really have a bazillion plus things to do and literally zero time to get everything done and here I am futzing around doing nothing.

My huge accomplishment today? Well, besides sleeping for most of it (those damn non-drowsy formulas knock me out every time) I cleaned the cat box. Yup that's it. No...wait there is something better than that; I called my Princess. She is kind of bummed that I am sick which means not a lot of company for her but I am thinking another 24 hours on  these kick butt antibiotics and I should be OK to go see her.

I am really kind of antsy being at home. I called in sick to work - really needed to and I HATE doing that but I am so congested if I talk too much I cough like I am fit to die. It's better I hide at home for another day.

It always seems like I am pushing myself and really I am not that bad....I just do everything at full tilt. A day for me starts around 6 or 7 (sometimes earlier many AMs 5) and I am running on fumes by the time I get home....dinner at 7 or 8pm after Princess visits and then home.....so see no biggie right? Then dishes, laundry, kitty tending, life - paper shredding. OMG the paper, I forgot to shred more papers.

We have a tone of paper records that really needed to go. seriously it is time to get rid of the superfluous stuff and try to stay more organized. IF there was a way to put file cabinets in the attic I think we would have set them up by now. However, we didn't. All those dreadful IEPs from the boy in school - yup we had EVERY BLASTED one of them in those dreadful 20 gallon tubs. Plus the grade school copies - seriously and their tapes too (I tossed those don't need to relive that nightmare). We kept enough to show we had records and that there were IEPs but really folks how many should you keep over the years?

Seriously, we kept this crap to show the boy how things were. We kind of figure when he is older and wants a reality check he can take a look at this stuff and see what his parents went through with him. Basically from the report he ran through the halls naked to the year in self contained rubber room...,..he;s done it at one point or another.

And yet we survived. WIth our humor in tact, and frankly we are NOT perfect and will be the first to admit that we have gone through the mill and hit all the boards at least twice before being spit out. I am still not sure where we are going or if we know where we've been. Some days it is still the hurrier I go the behinder I get- no that's almost every day.

I would like to say that me being at home and ill means I have caught up with life and all - thankfully my cute one did the dishes tonight or we would have ended up with a monster pile of them.

The boy, overall is doing, well I think OK. He is getting into a routine and although it took some time it is working out in an odd sort of way. Totally not complaining here I think that him being kind of independent is a good thing. I am hoping he can keep doing what he is doing. Fingers crossed.

I can't really decide what kind of music to listen to this evening. I have my hyper favs and then my mello ones.... I really just have no direction so I think I will stick with one of my old standbys:

or maybe this one

I like this one too


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