
Everything, everyone, has a different form of expression.  

During times of loss expressions can take on many different forms or meanings.  

I’m not certain what this has to do with Asperger’s or living w now an adult who has it.  Lately my expressions have been exhibiting grief.  Past tense and present grief come to mind.  

Recently, I have been called  a racist because I returned to the political party I was raised on   This assumption was made and shocked me to my core   I was not brought up that way   I was told that everyone no matter their ancestry was important   People are people and all people have value   

The person that assumed I was raciwas indoctrinated from a very young age  that’s sad   Indoctrination is defined below: the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.

  1. "prisoners are subjected to brainwashing, indoctrination, and punishment"
      teaching; instruction.
      "methods that were approved for indoctrination in divinity"

      Being indoctrinated doesn’t mean one is dense, or dumb   It does mean that education is lacking within the critical thinking rhetoric So same arguments are rehashed and this whole thing is ridiculous I’m fairly certain new ideas aren’t really considered.  
      I get a lot of this debate shit from the house Aspy.  I detract, distract and go on my merry way.  I’m not interested in becoming a sheep, or lemming (jumping into the sea off a cliff ain’t my bag). I’ve never believed that there is a utopia.  I was told at a young age that’s I was not important, I was a brat, I was a horrible person and my favorite that no one cared what I thought about anything.  I’ve ridded myself of the toxicity.  

      I forgot.  Besides being racist, I need therapy….. for what? Acknowledging that I was verbally assaulted? My son was encouraged by a drug addled adult to make fun of me in front of my face? 
      Why? So I can forgive and be abused again? No thanks.  

      My politics are based on Reaganism, Martin Luther King Jr., Lincoln, Fredrick Douglas and Jefferson (a slave owner).  I do not ascribe to modernism or one way thinking. 

      I believe that Beowulf, Shakespeare, Hammurabi’s code (where rules of law began) and having good fucking manners goes much further than being closeted w people who think what you think all the time.  That’s boring.  

      Jefferson and Madison were friends; if you read their letters to each other they were diametrically opposed in almost everything.  However, at each of their deaths they were thanking God the other was still alive.  Why would that be? Because they knew they had to disagree to make their points accessible to everyone.  Their disagreements made the Constitution and subsequent amendments for the laws of the land.  Both were amongst the best and brightest of their eras.  

      We have the businessman.  He will be handling things as businessmen do; no mincing of words or dancing around delicacies.  Stomping the flowers and trodding on the grass….. making things happen and the world go round.  

      Watching a man in a mini skirt does not make one confident in a presidential cabinet (that guy stole luggage from airports too).  

      Please remember when reading this - my sister will tell you my thoughts and musings don’t matter to anyone.  I’ll just put them out there anyway just because I can.  


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